July 12, 2023

This Sunday will mark our entrance into a new chapter of Scripture's grand narrative. What have we seen this far? Jason highlighted the Triune God as the creator-genius behind all things that exist in Colossians 1:15-17. We considered the covenantal shape of creation, and the Imago Dei in Genesis 1:26-31 and 2:15-25. Finally, we considered God purpose behind creation as expressed through the Sabbath: humanity’s invitation to rest in the presence of God as their creator and redeemer in Exodus 20:8-11. In the course of this “episode” of Scripture we have seen that God’s creation reflected the goodness of God in its scope, order, abundance, beauty, and covenant. Over the next three Sundays we will turn to look intently at the reality of the fall. We will look at Genesis 3 as sin’s prime event. Romans 8:18-25 will show us the reality and effect of sin throughout creation. We will then turn to Matthew 4 to consider God’s own engagement with sin through the incarnation and temptation of Jesus Christ in the wilderness. 

Before we move from creation to the fall - it is important to note that when we consider creation through the Bible what we find is God’s perfect power and goodness on clear display. Nothing of goodness or necessity was found lacking at the end of the Creation narrative - so when we see the lack of goodness and necessity in our present day, we must remember that God is not guilty of the present shape of things. Our examination of the Fall will reveal what went wrong, but also give testimony to the ways that God’s goodness endured through our human failings. 

—Matt Allhands

Coram Deo