May 8th, 2024

Existential relief was one of the first things I experienced when I put my faith in Jesus Christ as an 18-year-old. But that initial lifting of dread was soon replaced with a daunting question. “Now What?” It was clear to me that this forgiveness was something that informed the Christian’s whole life - but how? What is the substance of the Christian faith? Can I grow in faith? If so, how do I do it? The Westminster Catechism lists three things that we call the “means of grace”: Scripture, prayer, and the sacraments. These are the big three that the Lord uses in the ongoing transformation of our lives in Christ - so we should know about them. Over the next couple of weeks - we’re going to explore these three ways that God communicates his grace to us. But before looking into the “what” of the means of grace - we need to understand the “how” of them. Anselm of Canterbury coined a helpful phrase “faith seeking understanding” - as we start this conversation let’s take some time for heart-examination. 


  • What is your heart posture as you seek God in the pages of the Bible? 

  • What does it look like to pray with a faith that seeks understanding in the wilderness of life?

  • What is your view of the sacraments? Are they hollow rituals - or moments of divine encounter? Think about this even as we begin worship on Sunday morning - what is really happening when the church gathers in worship? 

—Matt Allhands

Coram Deo